Thursday, February 18, 2010

Upcoming Events!

Many more details to come as we get closer but in exciting news I've confirmed venues and dates for two upcoming fundraisers, so set your calendars for what promise to be fun times for a good cause!

Sunday March 21st: 1-4pm for a movie at the Grand Illusion. I'm currently soliciting suggestions for movies that would sell out the 70 or so seats. I'm leaning toward something highly visual that goes better on a big screen.

Some brainstorming:

Die Hard (or Live Free or Die Hard)
Moulin Rouge
The Matrix
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
The Room
Star Wars
Reign of Fire

Monday April 12: Pub Quiz at the Blarney Stone! It's three of my favorite things all at once - beer, trivia, and raising money for charity. There will be prizes! Also soliciting donations of prizes or suggestions or what would be suitable, otherwise we'll be using some of the proceeds as a prize which will be easy but will reduce the amount that goes to VSO.

1 comment:

  1. I vote Die Hard, Star Wars, Clue, or Wall-E!
    I guess I should plan moving weekend to be a different one...
