Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Triumph of the will. More or less. Kind of. Ish.

While I've had my scheduling issues, today was the first day where I planned to go to the gym and when the time came I just sat there saying "I don't feel like it." That continued for quite some time but I did eventually find the gumption, made easier by knowing I'm only hurting myself and would only be more upset with myself if I bailed. So I went. And while I didn't have the time or energy for a full workout, at least I did something and didn't let myself down. Especially important now that I have my first donor signed on to the "Sponsor my gym visits!" donation system of $1 per gym visit to help keep me motivated to push myself as much as possible.

Miles biked: 1.2 uphill
Miles jogged: .8 continuously, 1.55 total
Feb gym visits: 4

Also I got the ok from the director to show one of the better-received shorts from the Scifi shorts film festival at my Grand Illusion fundraiser. Just need to work out the logistics. Exciting! For that I'm currently leaning toward the Big Lebowski purely because the Egyptian is doing it as their midnight movie on the 26th, so if I do it on the 21st I can still snag people but if I wait until the month after interest will surely be more limited. Now if only I could figure out how to serve white russians for extra fundraising without breaking state liquor laws.

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