Monday, February 8, 2010

Getting into shape

I am not in Kilimanjaro shape. In fact it would be more precise to say, I am not in shape period, and even I know that needs to change if I'm to make any part of the ascent at all.

So today I signed up for a gym membership. It took a surprising amount of shopping around. The gym near my house wants $75 a month in dues, plus a $100 sign up fee, and while I generally believe in paying for convenience, I don't believe in being robbed for convenience.

University Fitness never answered their phone. Eventually I discovered that University Fitness went out of business, despite signing up people for memberships until the bitter end. Sketchy.

I ended up signing up at a place that combined a generally walkable location (the mile+ walk will be good for me!) and affordable prices.

If anyone reading this is interested in supporting my efforts to get in shape for the trek, I have a proposal. Sponsor my gym visits! It's 7 months until the trek. If you'd like to help keep me motivated into getting in shape while helping me raise the funds I need to, consider pledging $1 for every time I go to the gym for at least one hour between now and September. If I go just once a week that's only $28, but with the dual incentive of not dying on the mountain and meeting my fund-raising goals (if anyone takes me up on this pledge), I will strive for 2-3 times a week. I have two big challenges ahead of me, and it's the sort of pledge that is challenge-efficient. :)

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