Sunday, February 21, 2010

Some things come first

Ok, so one drawback of signing up for a non-24 hour gym: they close at 7pm on weekends, which I decided was ok because I would make it enough of a priority to plan my day around.

But today filial piety took precedence, and what I thought was going to be a quick lunch with my mom turned into an epic condo-viewing day that lasted just long enough to stop me from heading to the gym. Ah well. Just need to try to make sure that's the exception rather than the rule I guess.

On the plus side I walked about 6.5 miles yesterday, so it hasn't been an entirely slothful weekend.

Also! I've got vague plans of throwing a garage sale when the weather gets nicer, and am accepting donations now of things to sell. If you find yourself facing a closet of stuff to donate, consider donating it to me first, and I'll make sure anything that doesn't get sold still gets donated to charity.

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