Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rattlesnake Ledge

Last Saturday I hiked Rattlesnake Ledge with 13 or so friends as step one of my field training up to Kilimanjaro. This location was suggested by William, who sent me an amazing email a few weeks ago outlining a training regimen, tips, offers of support, etc. He also gathered the crew to make the hike happen. It's great to know such helpful and supportive people. :)

I had never been to this location before, and I admit that I'm glad I requested we start on the lowest level of difficulty he found suitable. And, judging by the swarms of children and dogs happily galumphing up the mountain with ease, it was indeed an easy hike. Still, by the time we had gone up the 1000+ ft over the course of 1.5 miles, I was getting pretty tired of the up, up, up. I was definitely one of the least able people there, given that one of the members of the group carried one of the other the last quarter mile or so. Just means that it was a good start. Plus the view from the top was beautiful. All around a good day. William suggests Tiger Mountain or Cougar Mountain next.

But probably I need to hit the gym quite a lot so these hikes get easier. Found a lot of difficulty getting myself to go to the gym recently. Must reverse that trend
March gym visits: 3 March hikes: 1
Miles run: 1.3
Crunches: 50
Miles biked: some - may stop keeping this statistic as I mainly just bike to warm up the muscles before stretching.

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