Sunday, March 7, 2010

Marching on

Forgive the lame pun.

Already gotten the first round of donations for my Biggest Garage Sale Ever, and already made my first circuit of the used clothing stores on the Ave with my first bag of clothes. Total funds raised: $5.25. It's a start, and it's $5.25 more than I would have had otherwise so while my wildest hopes have certainly not been surpassed, I'm pretty ok with this drop in the bucket. I also now have a better idea of who is buying what, and how to sequence things, so it was a good learning experience.

Lest I forget, gym metrics:

March gym visits: 2
Miles run: .75/1 continuously and 1.2/1.25 total

Both were a bit rushed, but the first was more along the lines of higher intensity but shorter duration activities.

Have plans with William for my first hike of the season! To ease into things we're hitting Rattlesnake Ridge next saturday, and I am looking foward to it.

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