Thursday, April 1, 2010

March - could be better

In February I went to the gym 5 times. It's less than I wanted, but it was a short month and I didn't even belong to a gym until a quarter of the way through. That was my excuse.

In March, though, a full length month during all of which I belonged to a gym, I only managed to go 6 times. I also went on 1 hike, but still, kind of lame even if I'm jogging far more than I ever had before. I definitely need to kick it up a notch. I'm really liking the "bring my gym stuff to work and stop by on the way home" thing, though, so I'll try to keep that up.

March gym visits: 6, hikes: 1
Miles jogged: 1.7
75 crunches
10x3 @ 30 lbs chest presses
10x3 @ 90 lbs leg curls
15@60 lbs and 15@45 lbs leg extensions
30 @ 90 lbs leg presses

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