Saturday, September 25, 2010

On the eve of departure

When faced with clear empirical evidence, I'm forced to admit it, I'm apparently a terrible blogger. Suffice it so say that I've done a lot of fundraising, done a lot of training, and the moment has finally arrived. In about 6 hours I'll be getting on a plane heading to Cairo, where I'll be spending a week seeing the sights and then attending a wedding. The next week I'll be doing a Nile Cruise, and after that comes the big adventure - Kilimanjaro. If I have internet access at any point, I'll attempt to be better at blogging. After all, it's the African adventures that are the most intriguing part of this whole process.

By the by, for those who are interested, I raised over 2800 GBP. With the switch in trek my new goal was actually only 1975, so I blew that goal out of the water! Thanks everyone for your support!

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